Tea ceremony

A tea ceremony is a ritualised form of making tea. The term generally refers to either chayi Chinese tea ceremony, chado Japanese tea ceremony, tarye Korean tea ceremony. The Japanese tea ceremony is more well known, and was influenced by the Chinese tea ceremony during ancient and medieval times. One can also refer to the whole set of rituals, tools, gestures, etc. used in such ceremonies as tea culture. All of these tea ceremonies and rituals contain "artificiality, abstractness, symbolism and formalism" to one degree or another.[1]

These rituals can be found worldwide, although are centred on Asia and Europe, including the Victorian-era 'high tea' or afternoon tea ritual, where the ritual of being seen to have the right equipment, manners, and social circle, was just as important as the drink itself.[2][3]

At a very basic level, tea ceremonies are a formalized way of making a hot drink, in a process which has been refined to yield the best taste. The Royal Society of Chemistry's Dr. Andrew Stapley has written about the chemistry behind brewing tea,[4] and some traditional ceremonies using leaf tea appear to closely mimic his suggested method, including the idea of synchronizing ones' actions with the temperature of the water.


Tea ceremony styles

While it is impossible to put tea culture in such defined boxed terms, below are the major associated terms. Tea Ceremony Styles:

Chinese Tea Arts (中國茶藝)
Japanese Tea Ceremony (日本の茶道)
Korean Tea Ritual (한국어 다례)
British Tea Culture (tea party)


Specific examples of the tea ceremony include:

Historical documents


When tea is more than a drink and the tea ceremony is understood and practiced to foster harmony in humanity, promote harmony with nature, discipline the mind, quiet the heart, and attain the purity of enlightenment, the art of tea becomes teaism. The term "chadao" has two words, the word is tea and the second is Chinese loanword tao/dao/道, native suffix -ism(also Japanese: 主義), the term can be written as teaism. And it can be used to describe tea ceremony as the interests in tea culture and studies and pursued over time with self-cultivation.[5] Teaism is mostly a simplistic mode of aesthetics, but there are subtle insights into ethics, and even metaphysics. Teaism is related to teamind. A sense of focus and concentration while under the influence of great tasting tea. Teaist is a person who performs or enjoys the art of tea and teaism. In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures, they all have well developed teaism.

Tea lore

Tea lore includes history, art, culture, and ceremony.[6] Tea lore can be compared to and has some of the same qualities as music, art, or literature. Tea is also an intricate part of Calligraphy, Floral Arts, Incense Arts, and Scroll Arrangement. These are five Classical Chinese Arts. In another sense it is the facts and traditions of tea and tea ceremony, and the accumulation over time through experience. Lore, all the facts and traditions about a particular subject that have been accumulated over time through education or experience. Tea lore can also be described as to include not only the acquired knowledge or traditional beliefs, but the myths that also revolve around the subject of tea.

Uses of tea drinking

Terminology of dao/do with respect to tea

The term Chinese:chadao or Japanese:chado in English is a difficult translation task.
In most common use and easy to express translation is "tea ceremony".
A direct translation is "the way of tea" or "the way of tea".
Another term is "teaism", yet some only signify this with Japanese tea.
Similar terms are "tea arts" and "tea culture" and Teaism.
While the word lore is usually not used in this context, another term used is "tea lore".

See also


  1. ^ Varley, Paul; Kumakura, Isao (1989). Tea in Japan: Essays on the History of Chanoyu. University of Hawaii Press. p. 4. ISBN 0-8248-1218-2. http://books.google.com/?id=O8MjO6U62xgC&pg=PA4&dq=artificiality#v=onepage&q=artificiality. 
  2. ^ Milton, Joanna "A Nice Cuppa: The English Tea Ritual" in Dick Riley et al. [Eds] The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie [Second Edition] (Continuum International Publishing Group, 2001) pp.18-21
  3. ^ Orser, Charles E. [ed.] "Tea/Tea Ceremony" in Encyclopedia of Historical Archaeology (Routledge, 2002) p.604
  4. ^ Stapley, Andrew (2003). How to Make a Perfect Cup of Tea. London: Royal Society of Chemistry. http://www.rsc.org/pdf/pressoffice/2003/tea.pdf. 
  5. ^ The Book of Tea
  6. ^ Chinese Tea Lore